The Joan Oró Foundation has received support from the “la Caixa” Foundation, through CaixaBank, to promote the foundation’s activities and for the celebration of the centenary of Joan Oró’s birth in 2023.
The Joan Oró Foundation is inspired by the basic lines of Joan Oró’s thought, which seeks to promote the progress of science to achieve a better development of society and therefore aims to promote the following objectives:
- To publicise the work of the scientist Joan Oró.
- To promote, through education in schools and institutes, initiatives for the development of scientific knowledge and research to encourage the scientific vocation of young people.
- To bring scientific dissemination and communication closer to people.
- To promote science to promote the development of society through agreements with public and private institutions.
Thanks to its territorial capillarity, CaixaBank’s branch network, the largest in Spain with a presence in 2,200 municipalities, can detect local needs and support the “la Caixa” Foundation in channelling financial aid to social organisations. In 2021, through CaixaBank’s branches, it has helped to promote 7,600 social projects from 6,500 institutions.